Support our Work
Our vision is to bring back the pride of our people in their individuality and ancestry. Through this, we can unite and move them to work towards greater development and progress for themselves and the entire community.
We encourage you to join us in our cause and, together, achieve bigger and better results for the entire Obohia region.
Be a donor or sponsor.
Your financial aid will surely go a long way in supporting our programs and our people. Your invisible hands will always be with us as we achieve the mission we have set before us.
Be a volunteer.
More than ever, we need selfless volunteers who can join us accomplish the job that we have set before ourselves. With your physical support, we can achieve bigger, better, and more sustainable results.
There are a lot of ways that you can actually help. May it be your knowledge, your physical strength, or your resources-anything you contribute shall be highly appreciated by everyone in the organization and by the people who will take advantage of our results.
Start supporting us today by signing up through this website.